1 box borax (4 pounds)
1 box baking soda (4 pounds)
1 bar of soap (I use fels naptha)
I pour half the box of each borax and baking soda into 1 gallon ice cream buckets.
Grate the bar of soap and put half of it in each bucket with the borax and baking soda.
Put the lid on and gently shake the mixture. This lasts a long time.
I use 1 Tablespoon for lightly dirty clothes and 2 or 3 Tablespoons for dirty clothes especially work jeans.
So because the soap lasts me and my family of 6 about 6 months, I store the soap in gallon ice cream pails in my laundry room. If your laundry room is humid, you may want to store it somewhere dry. But no worries if it clups up (turns to cement) you can bash it with a hammer or soak it in a little water and add it to your wash.
I washed a tee shirt that had dried on blood. I forgot about it and I didn't pretreat it. Too late I thought, as I pulled it from the dryer. Holding the shirt to the light as I checked for stains. To my bewilderment I couldn't find a stain. I'm forever spilling food on my shirts. I have oil spots on all my tops. But the other day I was looking at my tops, sorting through my clothes to downsize my wardrobe, I realized that none of my tops had those oil stains. The only thing in my life that's changed is the laundry soap. I didn't magically stop slopping my food on myself. Lol 😆 I rarely pretreat my clothes if I do I use Tech. Not a paid solicitor it's my honest opinion it's the best stain remover.
I get Tech at Menards in a gallon jug for 16.89. (12-23-2021)
I first bought the spray bottle, then when I realized it was a good product, I bought the gallon jug. Now I just refill the small spray bottle for easy use.
I rarely use fabric softener or dryer sheets my clothes do not have static and they always smell fresh when I remove them from the dryer.